17th Anniversary Camping Trip & Some Thoughts on Marriage

Sitting outside waiting for the full moon to rise. I turned on the interior camper lights to take the picture. We normally enjoy sitting outside without any lights or a campfire.

We recently returned from an extended camping trip in the Southern Sierra Nevada. It was our almost annual marriage anniversary camping trip. We have gone camping to celebrate our anniversary every year except twice, when Joyce wanted to go on a cruise instead.

Joyce had never been camping before we met and has become an avid camper. In fact, starting next year (after I finish remodeling the house) she wants to go camping several months each year. If you are a frequent reader of our blog, you know we prefer to camp where there aren’t many people and of course where there is no electricity, cell phone service, Wi-Fi and all the other “amenities” of civilization.

One great advantage of our anniversary date of September 7th, is it almost always falls after Labor Day, which means for most people, the years camping is over. So we usually have campgrounds all to ourselves, except on weekends. I wrote about it in this post.

Getting ready to clean the trout we caught. Notice that we are in an empty campground.

I Feel Sorry for Young People

… and others who are addicted to technology such as electricity, TV, texting, social media, etc. They can’t enjoy camping without these things, which limits where they can go.

Check out this story: No Starbucks and the stones aren’t yellow: One-star reviewers not happy campers at Yellowstone

So what on earth do we do when we are alone for weeks on end without an umbilical cord to civilization? We talk, walk, fish, and occasionally read a book. Sometimes we play Scrabble. We spend hours just sitting around enjoying our surroundings and the solitude.

Fishing isn’t about catching fish either. More and more there is so much human pressure on fish populations that it isn’t uncommon for us to only catch only one trout a day unlike it was a few years ago.

(2007) Fishing just below the Western Divide of the Sierra Nevada
(2008) Fishing just below the Western Divide of the Sierra Nevada

This year we spent hours and hours in places like this mostly talking and sitting without catching a single fish. It was time well spent.

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