Another Day in Paradise

San Jacinto Sunset
Sitting in our backyard watching the sun set behind the San Jacinto Mountains.

This weekend I thought we were going camping, but instead I had to deal with some irrigation problems and then do our income tax return. All in all a good weekend. When you’re retired you don’t feel guilty about 4 hour “work days.” This evening we sat in our backyard and watched the sun set behind the San Jacinto Mountains. Once it got dark, I checked the temperature – a balmy 79 F. Much better than what I had been dealing with the past three winters.

During 2013 – 2015 I spent much of my winter work weeks in some cold places; New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, and Vermont. Basically most of the time I was cold.

Saturday I took a look at the weather in New York – not to plan for a trip, but to bask in the fact I would be here in Paradise every day this winter.

Paradise versus freezing


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