Most RVs come with a 4-inch square, hollow rear bumper, designed for storing a sewer hose. To keep the hose secured in the bumper, end caps are used. The caps should be easy to remove for access to the hose and, at the same time, fit snuggly so they do not fall off during travel.
Our old ones, which were 8+ years old worked well. But the harsh environment in which we live finally took its toll on our caps.

I decided to buy the CAMCO Magnetic Bumper Cap kit. This isn’t a review, but just a first impression and a discussion about the one concern I have with the purchase.
The kit comes with two caps. One connects to a Camco RhinoFlex sewer hose to make it easy to pull the hose out of the bumper — a really nice feature. For more information on the RhinoFlex hose, see my long-term RhinoFlex Review.

The cap on the left has a fitting (orange) that attaches to the RhinoFlex Sewer Hose. At each corner of the cap is a magnet (four total). The magnets hold the cap in place, which makes it super easy to remove the cap and pull out the hose.
The cap on the right fits into the other end of the bumper. By squeezing the center section it is easy to insert and remove the cap. I rarely remove the cap on this end of the bumper and would only remove the new cap if I needed access to our RhinoFlex 5 foot extension hose, which we have never used.

Are the magnets strong enough to keep the cap in place?
This is a concern.
Some people have said the cap comes loose and some have even lost their sewer hose. Others say it will stay in place, but to make sure the hose is pushed in far enough so the hose is not putting any pressure on the cap. Others say they had to sand the bumper to get rid of rust.
So far, ours has been secure. However, I haven’t towed on rough dirt roads — yet.
Just in case, I’m going to use 2-in wide black industrial Velcro (to match the color), with adhesive backing, as a safety back up. One piece on the top of the bumper and one on the bottom. Both about 4 inches long. Then a mating strip of Velcro that will run from the top of the bumper, along the outside of the Camco bumper cap, and then to the bottom of the bumper. It should work well.
Over the years, I’ve used the industutrial Velcro for many projects. The adhesive doesn’t peel off unless I really work to remove it. Most of the time, when I removal the adhesive Velcro, it doesn’t damage the surface it was applied on. Incredible stuff.
Steps for Using the Camco Magnetic Cap
The two pictures below show the RhinoFlex Sewer Hose Fitting with the included cap. Note that there are tabs to secure the cap to the hose fitting.
This cap will be removed and the Camco Magnetic Cap will be substituted.

Next, compress the sewer hose. The internal stainless steel wire works like an accordion. Now slide the hose into the bumper, with the elbow fitting inserted first.

If you need bumper caps and don’t like the Camco Magnetic Caps, the basic Camco Bumper Caps worked well for us, lasting over 8 years. Each has a hole in the center for easy removal. To install, just insert the cap (very little pressure is needed), then gently press the center of the cap, which expands the edges of the cap so it stays put.
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