Category Archives: Backpacking Gear

Backpacking Gear Is Getting Boring

boredA couple days ago I was writing a post about the stoves I use on most trips. I guess the point was that people spend too much of their time talking, playing, and reviewing stoves. Just buy a freakin’ stove and be done with it.

Most of my posts are for my kids, and when it comes to things backpacking, the posts are for my son Joe who also backpacks.

I suppose I have done my share of gear talk, but I am really, really getting bored with backpacking gear.

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The Great Stove Debate

I bought my first real backpacking stove in early 1972, a Svea 123 that uses white gas. Before that I cooked on wood fires and a U.S. Military canteen stove. I used wood, solid fuel and alcohol in the canteen stove. Sometime in the 70’s I bought a butane canister stove.

Today, 40 years later, the same kinds of stoves are the options available to the backpacker. There have been some minor improvements in stove efficiency and weight reduction, but nothing revolutionary. Since there have been so few advances in stove design, I am often perplexed when I see backpackers constantly buying, testing, and spending so much time playing with stoves. Seems like they would be better served by buying a couple proven stoves, and with all the time saved by no longer playing with stoves, the time could be used to actually go backpacking.

So I thought I would save everyone some time by reviewing some stoves so we can end The Great Stove Debate and get out into the wilderness.

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The Search for the Holy Grail: Waterproof Breathable Rain Gear

Some thoughts on rain gear…

There is no perfect rain gear. 

What works for me may not work for others. Of utmost importance is the fact that each of us have a different physiology, hike at different speeds; and each trip varies in weather, temperature, and terrain. Each of these variables contributes to different kinds of rain gear solutions. Like so much other backpacking gear, the hiker will need to learn from experience what works best for them. You won’t learn it here, or anywhere on the Internet, or in a book.

So I decided to share what I have learned over the years — what has worked and what has not worked. Your experience may be different.

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Lightweight Backpacking: The Way, and the Truth, and the Life


There are quite a few things in life that irritate me. The top of my list includes:

  • religious people who knock on my door telling me I will burn in Hell if I don’t accept their religion
  • Prius owners who accost me in gas stations and condemn me for damaging the planet with my SUV
  • petition gatherers who want to deny property rights
  • New York Mayor Bloomberg who thinks I am too stupid to take care of myself because I like to drink Venti Frappacinios
  • politicians who want to pass all sorts of laws and ordinances because they think the populace doesn’t know what is best for them
  • and lightweight backpackers who evangelize to other backpackers they meet on the trail that their pack is too heavy.

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