Category Archives: Camping

The Changing Landscape of Campgrounds

We just got back from a two-week camping trip a few days ago and the changes are plainly visible for Joyce and me – we are frequent campers. No, this isn’t a post about climate change. Over the past four years I have seen dramatic changes in the use of the campgrounds we frequent. Keep in mind that this is an unscientific perspective from my little corner of the world where people can and do camp all 12 months of the year. 

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The Wine Connoisseur at the Campsite

If you stop by my campsite (or home), I will probably offer you a glass of wine; to be exact, a glass of Gallo Family Cabernet Sauvignon. In the campground we usually have a glass in the late afternoon when we take Corky for a walk, and then cook dinner. The best part about these wines is that they can be had for $4.99 – $5.99 when they are on sale in the 1.5 liter size bottle. But I don’t buy them because of the price. I enjoy them.

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Wi-Fi Is Coming To Your National Park!

Wi-Fi antenna at one of my recent NPS campground stays

What’s Up With That?

Back in October I saw that it had already happened at Lake Mead Recreational Area, one of the National Park Service (NPS) units. Instead of posting a rant about this technology on my return home, it seemed prudent to give it some thought and wrap my mind around a subject that twenty years ago I knew was probably going to happen. Sometimes it is best to let thoughts stew for a while in the brain, before dishing out opinions.

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I’ve Been On Holiday For Almost Two Months

If you read this blog with any frequency, you have noticed no activity here for several weeks. Nope, I haven’t been neglecting the blog; there have been more important things to attend to.

Towards the end of September, we returned home after a two-week camping trip in Sequoia National Forest. On my mind as we pulled up the house, with the camper attached to our SUV, was the fact the end of September means October is about to begin; and October is the  best month of the year to camp in the deserts we frequent.

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