Category Archives: What’s Up With That?

Backpacking with a Smart Phone: Multi-Tool or Anchor?

What’s Up With That?

It amazes me how many people hike with smart phones, or cell phones in general. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-technology. I use my iPhone for business a lot. I travel and manage a field force of consultants with my smart phone. I check schedules, read reports, handle email, sync with my laptop, read books, listen to music, pay bills, and do a myriad of other tasks with my phone. I even talk to people on my phone. But I abhor and don’t utilize the “texting” function. I also keep it synced with my iPad. The smart phone allows me to be more productive when I am working. Continue reading Backpacking with a Smart Phone: Multi-Tool or Anchor?

Olympic Opening Ceremony


What’s Up With That?

I was home for a couple days in between some trips and caught the opening ceremonies. What has happened to the Olympics?

Athletes took a back seat to queens and rock stars… sigh.

So I was looking for the Track and Field schedule on the official 2012 Olympic Website, but it is not listed as a sport. If you look at the 2012 Schedule and Results page, you will find a sport named “Athletics.” If you click on Athletics, you will find that that sport is Track and Field. So Track and Field is athletics. But are swimmers not athletes? That sport is listed under Swimming.

Continue reading Olympic Opening Ceremony