Elegant Dining in the Outdoors

8th Wedding Anniversary in our Tent Trailer
8th Wedding Anniversary in our Tent Trailer

Does your spouse or significant other not want to go camping (or backpacking) often enough? Maybe you need to add some romance to your outdoor activities.

The first thing you need to do is change your vocabulary. Women don’t always like to go camping, but they love to go on a date. So make your trips a “date.”


For those really special events like anniversaries, sneak in some roses or pick some wildflowers.

Nothing scores points like freshly picked wildflowers.

Cooking and other chores

At home I don’t cook. As a matter of fact, I’m not really allowed to mess with my wife’s kitchen equipment. So my culinary skills are minimal at best. However, I can use a BBQ. So will a little planning I can put together a half-way decent meal.

Lobster Tails
Lobster Tails

I do have one camping “rule.” I do all the camping chores and cooking; everything. Joyce may help out, but I have set the expectation that all chores and cooking are my responsibility. So every camping trip is a holiday for Joyce. Now, what woman would not want to go on holiday almost every weekend?

Anniversary Dinner
Anniversary Dinner
Get creative and use whatever tools are at your disposal
Get creative and use whatever tools are at your disposal

Outdoor dining is best (4th of July weekend trip.
Outdoor dining is best (4th of July weekend trip in the High Sierras.

Setting the ambiance on Memorial Day in the low desert.
Setting the ambiance on Memorial Day in the low desert.


After dinner concoctions go a long ways, especially if you don’t do the same thing twice.

Ingredients for construction of after dinner drinks.
Ingredients for construction of after dinner drinks.
Finished product.
Finished product.
Gifts will result in extra "browning points"
Gifts and Champagne will result in extra “brownie points”


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