Getting (and staying) in Hiking Shape

The best way to get and stay in shape is to hike often – preferably every day. However you may want to consider this alternative fun method. If you are easily swayed by your peers, seek approval from your friends, worried about what others think about you; then this is probably not for you.

But if you are your own person the…

Inline Skating (or rollerblading)

Oh, it is out of style and the fad has past us. Many people seem to not to want to engage in it because they may look like a “geek” or a “nerd.”

What’s in it for You?

  • It’s a great aerobic exercise
  • Interval skating (sustained bursts of speed, followed by recovery skating) is a great anaerobic exercise
  • Strengthens hamstring, quadriceps, calf, and gluteal muscles
  • Because you are constantly working to keep your balance it also strengthens abdominal and lower back muscles
  • Swinging your arms while skating strengthens arm and shoulder muscles
  • Can be done year round (in bad weather to a roller rink)
  • The entire family can participate
  • Gear is inexpensive (no gym membership needed).
  • Low impact exercise (doesn’t impact the joints as running does)

His and Her’s Skates

On the left are my Rollerblade EVO 7’s and Joyce’s K2 exotec’s are on the right. We had these fitted by an expert sales person several years ago. I like the combination of laces to adjust the fit plus a top buckle. Both are constructed with a main soft shoe and a plastic frame.

Required Equipment for Safe Skating

  • Helmet
  • Wrist Guards
  • Knee Pads
  • Elbow Pads

Note: most injuries result from forward falls without wrist guards.


Skate duffle bag or backpack to store skates and all accessories. Backpacks are particular handy if you skate to work, shopping, library, etc. You can store your street shoes and other needed items in the pack, and upon reaching your destination switch out of your skating gear.

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