Magic Birthday Desert Camp

Most women I know have an obsessive fixation on birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. That’s okay, in the proper context, they are good things to celebrate. Most men I know place less significance to these occasions. For the most part, I disdain them, but Joyce and I usually celebrate them with each other in our own way for the right reasons.

Last week Joyce asked what I wanted to do for my birthday. Hmm… backpacking was the first thought, though not communicated. Seeing that I have been home very little the past few months, the more appropriate response was to suggest something we could do together, which normally is camping. Camping is good. So that was my suggestion and it is what we did and it was another great weekend with my wonderful bride.


Friday morning I found myself in Tampa, Florida a long way from home.

Tampa to California

Thanks to modern technology I left Tampa, Florida in the morning and arrived at our campsite in the afternoon. Sometimes technology is a really, really good thing!


Of course once in the desert, one should walk. And walk we did.

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Seeing that steak is my favorite food, it is easy to make me an impressive meal. I did man the grill outside to sear the meat, while Joyce prepared the complimentary goodies.

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