Organizing Backpacking Gear and/or a Camper

Backpacking gear stored in large plastic bins located on the shelves at the right of the picture.

Organizer all my backpacking, camping, boating and other gear has always been less than ideal. The biggest issue was the bins were large and it was a hassle to locate the one item I needed.

As it turns out, the solution was simple.

Below is another view.

All my gear (backpacking, camping, boating, and all outdoor activities is stored in this section of the garage. At the upper right you can see my sleeping bags and quilts are loosely stored in breathable cotton bags.

Small plastic bins

I wanted something better and more convenient and found these on Amazon.


I bought a selection of two sizes

  • 10″L x 6″W x 5″H (medium size)
  • 9.4″L x 5.1″W x 4.3″H (small size)

The medium size fits perfectly in a standard size wall cabinet. After opening the package, I went to work on my backpacking gear. First was to separate items into similar use and put them into the bins by category. Since the bins are clear plastic it is easy to view the contents.

Backpacking gear bins


The images above aren’t all my my gear.  I also filled a couple other cabinets. I was so thrilled I decided to buy more for the camper.

Camper organization bins

Tea assortment.



In this cabinet there is enough room to place bins in front of these.
The small size bins are placed in front of the larger bins.

Since the bins are so small, it it easy to pull out the front bins to view the bins in the back.

Canned good can be stored in bins too.

I placed additional bins in some of the other cabinets also.

So how do I measure the utility of this storage solution? Joyce is very happy with them. That’s all that matters! Happy wife, happy life.

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