Gray Water Solutions for Your Camper

Tote Selection
Our collection of gray water tanks used from 2003-2008

When camping in a recreational vehicle (travel trailer, motor home, tent trailer, etc.) it is more than likely you will generate waste water. Disposal of this water can become problematic. What follows are the methods and solutions we have used over the years.

If you camp in campgrounds with sewer hook-ups, then waste water disposal is not a problem. But I will suggest that these “parking lot” campgrounds are not camping. Pick you’re poison. Many campgrounds without RV hook-ups have an RV dump, where you can drive your camper to and off-load the waste water. Of course if you have a tent trailer, it would require packing up the camper before driving to the dump station. And if you fill your tanks before your trip is over, you would have to return to your campsite and set up the camper again. If you camp in dispersed camping areas, it is unlikely there would be a dump station within reasonable driving distance. To overcome these obstacles, many campers utilize portable waste tanks.

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Fire on the Mountain

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Fire has moved from the west side of the San Jacintos, crested the ridge and is now heading east. View from Palm Springs, CA.

On Monday morning, July 15th, a fire started on private property in the Apple Canyon area, which is just west of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) along the section known as the Desert Divide. The Desert Divide is part of the San Jacinto Wilderness, and the mountain creates the desert on the east side, which is the Palm Springs area.

apple canyon
Apple Canyon Road heading towards one of the San Jacinto Wilderness trailheads.

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The Business of Backpacking


A friend of mine sent me an email asking me to look at a couple of reviews for a new backpacking product. Okay, I like to help my friends. Both reviews were on personal blogs. That’s okay, I like checking with people who actually use gear and provide honest feedback. Whenever looking at new gear and considering someone’s opinion, it is best to get a feel for that person’s experience and whether or not they have a vested interest in the product. Real everyday users can provide the best feedback.

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My Backpacking Watches

(L-R) Military, Swiss Army brand, Timex. (The bands on the Military and Swiss Army watches are not the originals).
(L-R) Military, Swiss Army brand, Timex. (The bands on the Military and Swiss Army watches are not the originals).

Are they gear? Doesn’t almost everyone bring one with them?

Okay, a theme with a lot of gear I talk about is a disdain for technology. I have hiked without a watch and find that I am pretty inefficient. A watch helps me plan distances, keep track of my pace, and ensure I get back in time so my wife isn’t worried about my safety. In clear weather it is fairly easy to determine the approximate time without a watch, but in bad weather you lose that ability.

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What’s in Your First Aid/Emergency Kit?

REI First Aid Kit from the REI Website.

Aside from having fun, the goal of the backpacker on any trip should be focused on staying safe — that is staying dry, warm, avoiding injury, or becoming lost.

Keep in mind that I am presenting my opinions, have been backpacking for nearly 50 years, and almost always hike solo. Many risk avoidance backpackers will be critical of this small kit.

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The Cat in the Hat


NICKI see so many different kinds of hats on the trail, reminds me of the song Easter Bonnet. And with so many Yuppie brands and big bucks to be made, most outdoor gear fitters have an extensive inventory of models available. A hat can be critical for survival or comfort given a “Perfect Storm” of conditions to threaten the hiker’s well being in the wilderness. I almost always take a hat, but most of the time it is inside or strapped to the outside of my pack.

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From Hell, to Hell and Back


Last week I posted a picture of the high temperature in Palm Springs, which was 120F. Having moved to the desert in 1977 working and hiking outdoors, so I am used to these kinds of temperatures (if one can truly get used to it). I spent Saturday getting reading for our trip. Usual preparation includes inspections and periodic maintenance and cleaning.

We were not mentally prepared for what would happen.

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