Return from Base Camp

WE’RE BACK FROM OUR BASE CAMP defines a base camp as

a main encampment providing supplies, shelter, and communications for persons engaged in wide-ranging activities, as exploring, reconnaissance, hunting, or mountain climbing.


Xmas 2013-2
December 29, 2013 — Lake Mead Recreation Area

This is how we generally use our camper. It is a base for backpacking, hiking, biking, or even visiting friends and relatives.

We just returned from Lake Mead. Camping during the Christmas vacation is the perfect time for us. Our campground had 154 sites and on Christmas day we were one of 10 campers in the entire campground.

Xmas 2013
Almost empty campground

Xmas 2013-3
No neighbors for us!!

When it comes to campgrounds, it doesn’t get much better than this.


We picked up our new camper at the beginning of October and were able to squeeze in 40 days of camping during the last 3 months of the year. I was also able to put together a lot of backpacking time this year to include trips to Nevada, New Mexico, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, North Carolina and Georgia; not to mention our home in the Great Welfare State of California.


We don’t plan most of our trips… we just go. This year we will probably get around 100 days of camping in. To see how we can work full time and camp this often, read Managing Your Recreation Inventory.

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