Searching for Palm Trees

temperature 102F
The local temperature when I returned to by car and turned on the iPhone.

This weekend, with our balmy spring weather I decided to go searching for palm trees — or rather palm oases to be exact. And to be more precise, I already knew where they were, since I have hiked the area extensively over the years. I also explored a few side canyons I had not been in before.

The high temperatures were over 100F, which is okay as long as you have plenty of water. When visiting a palm oasis, plan on there being no water available unless you can verify water from a reliable source ahead of time. Palm Trees do not rely on surface water to survive and the water can be dozens of feet below the surface.

In the temperatures I encountered, most people need at least two gallons of water per day, so plan accordingly.

Anyway, it was a fun trip.

The First Oasis

Hundreds of palms!








Second Oasis

Distance and terrain are deceptive in the desert. This oasis looks close by and easy to get to. Definitely not the case on my direct cross country route. Had to slide down a couple hundred feet into a wash. There was an easier route, but much longer. Except for the palms and an occasional mesquite tree there was no greenery to be seen.

Oasis in the distance.
Oasis in the distance.

Above: After visiting this palm oasis, I would work my way back to the left and to the top of the ridge shown in the picture.



Above: looking down as I make my way up to the ridge that overlooks this oasis.

Ridge Views

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Third Oasis

DSC00464Fourth Oasis

DSC00466This oasis had several stands of palms as I walked to the back of the canyon.

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