Tag Archives: Cuben Fiber

I’m Done With DCF (aka Cuben Fiber)

Six Moon Designs Deschutes Carbon Fiber Shelter (April 2015)

Cuben Fiber (now called DCF) is a non-woven laminate fabric developed by the Cuben Tech Corporation in the early 90’s for the sails on racing yachts. In 1992 America3 won the America’s Cup Race using sails of Cuben Fiber.

In the mid to late 2000’s a few cottage industry backpacking gear companies started selling shelters and backpacks made from Cuben Fiber. The fabric has high tensile strength and is extremely light. But it has some important disadvantages. Most of which is my concern that  it really isn’t very durable and has a short lifespan.

So the question becomes, is DCF worth the cost?

I’m not throwing away my DCF gear, but when items wear out, which they will, I will be replacing them with something else.

Continue reading I’m Done With DCF (aka Cuben Fiber)

Cuben Fiber, Dyneema, and Economics


America3 Yacht (picture found on the Internet)
America3 Yacht (picture found on the Internet)

I received an email from a friend asking me what I thought about the recent Dyneema – Cuben Fiber debate. I had no idea what he has talking about. He sent me some links to several Websites. It appears there is a lot of controversy and, in some cases, anger among backpackers who are advocates of extremely light gear. The anger is that Cuben Fiber is too expensive and not plentiful enough, and many people want more of it at a cheaper price. Of course no one really needs Cuben Fiber, but like spoiled children they want it. No one in the “anger camp” has identified the root cause of the cost and supply issue. So I am going to clear the air and explain it. First I need to provide some background. I will post some pictures to, hopefully, retain your attention.

Continue reading Cuben Fiber, Dyneema, and Economics