Tag Archives: Fastest Known Time

Fastest Known Time redux

Almost two years ago I wrote about the phenomenon known as the Fastest Known Time or FKT. At the time, I stated I wasn’t against the concept per se, but I did express several concerns.

Stuck at home this weekend, I spent some time catching up on a few of my favorite blogs. And my fears about the FKT negatively impacting wilderness areas were personified in this simple one line statement and picture on Tom Jamrog’s blog.



I don’t have anything to add.

You might want to read Paul Magnanti’s comments on the above subject. His thoughts mirror mine.


Contemplating the Fastest Known Time

What’s Up With That?

Recently a woman hiked the entire Pacific Crest Trail (over 2,600 miles) in 61 days. The average hiker who completes this trail usually takes 6 months to do it.

Recently a couple men completed the 211 mile John Muir Trail in something like 5 days. A hike most people do in a couple weeks.

These are just two examples of the quest for the Fastest Known Time.

Continue reading Contemplating the Fastest Known Time