Tag Archives: Personal Locator Beacon

Personal Locator Beacons

acr plb mcmurdo plb spot

Over the past 10 years or so and new piece of equipment is gaining popularity with hikers – the personal locator beacon. These devices weigh 4 or 5 ounces, and can send a satellite signal if a hiker is injured, lost or in danger. The signal is relayed to search and rescue personnel who can mount a rescue operation. Most of these PLB’s and similar ilk cost close to $300 and require a subscription. A Google search can provide you with all the information you need to learn more.

It seems to me that today many hikers are so risk adverse; they cannot venture out without all manner of emergency or back-up equipment to keep them safe. Equipment alone doesn’t keep you safe; skill keeps you safe. Some folks are so paralyzed with this risk-aversion; they seem to be waiting to die, instead of getting out into the wilderness and living life.

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