Tag Archives: Renew Polyurethane Tent Coating

Resurrection: My Chouinard Pyramid Rises From the Dead

Back in April I wrote,

This shelter is an old friend. It finally died. More specifically, it really isn’t cost effective to resuscitate it.

You can read the obituary here. A few days after that post, just before I was going to lay it to rest forever, I was contacted by Patagonia Worn Wear. They had seen the post and given my Chouinard Pyramid’s  age and place in history, they offered to repair/replace the zipper for free. They also said, that if I didn’t want to take them up on the offer (since they could not renew the polyurethane coating), they would like to obtain it for their private museum. Here’s an excerpt from the email… Continue reading Resurrection: My Chouinard Pyramid Rises From the Dead