The Second Day after the Day After

6 September

After the early morning coffee brewing ritual, which Joyce performs, I go outside to survey our playground. Incredibly, there are two motorhomes in the campsites adjacent to ours. Out of 140 empty sites, these folks chose to camp right next door! They must have come in during the night while we were sleeping. Why on earth would they want to do this? I don’t have the answer.

Perhaps these folks thought we had picked the best location and they wanted to enjoy our expertise without the effort of making their own conclusions; a type of herd mentality. “Man,” as Aristotle observed, “is a social being” and perhaps these folks felt a need to camp as close as possible to other people. Perhaps they felt safer being close to someone else. There are many thoughts I could expound on, but there is no need because I didn’t go ask them why. 

If you are a regular reader of this blog you might have the perception that I don’t like people. Sometimes that would be an accurate statement. But generally, if they are well behaved and quiet, I do like most campers and backpackers. Our new neighbors, by their actions, did not know each other. By noon both parties had packed up and left the campground. Perhaps my appearance scared them. Perhaps they only planned to spend a night and leave. Who knows? The good news is that we were again alone in our little corner of the world and solitude returned. The Third Day after the Day After –>

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