We Went Back For 2nds

mountain camping 1

Last week we had such a good time camping in the mountains and enjoying perfect weather, we decided to go back again this weekend. Nothing extraordinary to report. The usual hiking and camping stuff.


Grilling chicken at dusk
Grilling chicken at dusk
friday night dinner
We have these really need ‘boats’ and ‘holders’ for corn on the cob. Somehow I had misplaced them months ago, but found them when getting the some stuff out of a drawer. Not a great picture though.


saturday morning cooking breakfast

saturday morning breakfast

A Discovery

We figured out it has been 9 months since we built a campfire. Since we normally don’t eat lunch, we took a hike to a country store to purchase marshmallows.

Corky leading the way to the store for marshmallows.
Corky leading the way to the store for marshmallows.

Corky was hitched to the leash and he took the lead on a trail that would lead to a mountain road and eventually the store.

saturday night cooking dinner
Joyce did the assembly work, I grilled.
saturday night campfire
Saturday night campfire. We knew we were in the mountains as the temperature quickly dropped when the sun disappeared.
roasting marshmallows
No caption needed.


sunday dinner
Simple Sunday dinner of grilled pork chops and apple sauce.

We left the campground at 6 PM sharp and pulled up to the house at 7:20.

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