1980’s Chouinard Pyramid Tent

Unhappy with the Sierra Design’s Flashlight as a winter tent in snow I purchased a Chouinard Pyramid tent  in 1985. Unable to afford a true 4 season double-walled tent, the Chouinard appealed to me because of its

  • Price
  • Light weight (2 lbs 9 oz without poles and stakes)
  • Stability in poor weather
  • Large interior area

What did not appeal to me after using it was

  • Condensation in cold weather
  • A pole in the middle that forced me to sleep on either side

But I used it for many years on many trips. However on most 3 season trips I reverted to my tried and true tarp, which was lighter and could be pitched in many configurations.

Today many ultralight shelters use a pyramid or modified pyramid shape, and with newer lightweight materials are super light and stable.

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