Category Archives: Camping

Last Boating/Camping Trip of the Year

And what an adventure it was


But before I share the adventure, clarification is needed. This was not our last camping trip of the year; it was the last trip with the boat. Joyce and I are like nomads, most of the time allowing the seasons to dictate where we will camp. Winters find us in the deserts. As winter turns to spring we mix it up; camping in both mountains and deserts. Summers are mostly spent in the mountains; and as summer turns into fall, we return mostly to the desert.

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(non-backpacking) Backpacking Gear Review

  • Noah’s Tarp, by Kelty
  • Tyvek Groundsheet, by DuPont
  • Adjustable Tarp Poles, by Big Agnes
  • Mayfly Chair, by ALite


Yes, discussing backpacking gear is still boring.

Yes, this stuff is heavy.

Yes, I bought this stuff.

 No, I am not going to use it for backpacking.

  Continue reading (non-backpacking) Backpacking Gear Review

Anniversary Camping Trip

Our wedding anniversary is September 7th and it was the 11th (out of 12) anniversary we spent camping. We would have been 12 out of 12, except last year we were sans camper after vandals destroyed it.

I am lucky (or I chose well) because Joyce loves to go camping. It doesn’t matter when or where we camp, camping almost always takes a priority. She doesn’t camp to make me happy, she does it for herself.


This year we headed up to the mountains. After several trips the past couple months in the desert, the mountains would be a refreshing difference.

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What I Learned From Wee Willie Keeler

Almost empty campground


Keeler was a Major League Baseball player from 1892-1910. More than 100 years after he retired, his lifetime batting average of .341 is 14th of all time.

Keeler’s is known for his advice to batters, “Keep your eye clear, and hit ’em where they ain’t.” “They” being the fielders for the opposing team.

Good advice for backpackers and campers. “They” being other hikers and campers, “where they ain’t” being trails and campsites — that is, go where there are no other backpackers, hikers, or campers (e.g., people). With this grand advice in mind, we headed out towards Lake Mead for a few days.

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