Category Archives: Camping

Colorado River Camp

Yeah, I know. Another camping trip. Ho hum.

Well, not for us. We enjoy everyone of them. After our Eastern Sierra vacation, we decided we need to start using our boat more often. The problem with a boat, especially if you live in southern California and the boat has a motor, is the fact you aren’t going to find many remote, quiet, and uninhabited places close by to camp and boat.

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Eastern Sierra Vacation


Back from our Sierra Nevada vacation. Most years we go camping in the Southern Sierra. We know about some special camping areas where few people venture. Those places have great views and solitude. These camping trips usually find us hiking everyday and dabble in a little trout fishing. No planned activities, no agendas, no places to see. Perfect.

Continue reading Eastern Sierra Vacation

backpacking trip cancelled. went camping instead.


Over the past several years I have made a Memorial Day Weekend tradition of hiking what I call the San Jacinto Loop. One would be hard pressed to find a more varied and diverse 60 mile route in just about any place in North America; maybe anywhere in the planet. Due to a route that passes through 5 climatic zones, Memorial Day timing is about perfect. Not too hot in the desert and not too cold in the alpine zone. You can read about the 2009 and 2010 trips.

But this year I had to cancel.

Continue reading backpacking trip cancelled. went camping instead.

Return to Guajome and some discoveries


A month ago we camped at Guajome Regional Park in Oceanside, CA. I wrote about it here.

Upon our return home, I noticed there was a group from PUX ( planning a camping trip to Guajome the first week of May. Sounded interesting and I posted the following:

We have never been ones to camp with a group. Actually we have only done it once; in 2005 we went to the PUX gathering in RMNP —

But the RMNP gathering was a lot of fun and I made several friends there.

To be honest we have gone camping with others only 4 times in addition to the RMNP trip. We once camped in Oak Creek Canyon, AZ with EveryBodyHauls (who no longer posts here) and thrice we have camped with my wife’s boss.

In fact we rarely even camp in an improved campground. All this being said… we have camped at Guajome twice. Once was last week at site #21. We had a nice time.

Plus I think Wayne and I have a lot in common and it would be nice to meet him (and of course the rest of the group).

So… we have reserved site #21 again for May 2 – 4. Be nice to us, this is a new endeavor and we may not know how to socialize. 🙂

Continue reading Return to Guajome and some discoveries