Category Archives: Senior Moments

Adventure before Dementia

Senior Moments 

Well, maybe not senior moments. We try to avoid senior moments. Seems many seniors are just waiting to die, we’re out living.

We just returned from a couple of weeks of camping in the desert. It was a totally relaxing. I didn’t take any pics, so you’ll just have to use your imagination and picture the amazing scenery and wildlife we saw, like a whole herd of majestic big horn sheep.

But here’s something that caught my eye: I saw this really interesting spare wheel cover on a travel trailer that said ‘Adventure Before Dementia.’ The phrase sounds pretty catchy, and it also made me think about our own lives. It’s all about perspective, you know? What it means to you can totally change depending on how you look at things.

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Been Busy After a Dumb Mistake — Time to Plan our Next Adventure

Senior Moments

The original solar installation on our low slope patio roof.

Where has Nick been? I haven’t posted in a while. Been busy installing a new patio roof. And now it is time to plan our next camping adventure. Here’s an update of what I’ve been doing. What I have been doing is the consequence of a dumb decision I made four years ago.

Yeah, I had a Senior Moment four years ago when we had our home solar system installed. My “moment” was my poor decision to install the panels on our patio roof. It was a mistake. In this story I’ll relate several steps that can be applied to many decision making situations; even for backpacking or camping. It has to do with researching products.

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How to Avoid Slipping When Hiking Downhill Trails

Senior Moments 

The trail shown in the lower right of the picture above is hard-packed dirt covered with loose sand and pebbles.

A common fall or slip for backpackers is on downhill trails similar to the one pictured above. These kinds of trails can be difficult for anyone, especially for us older folks whose reflexes aren’t as quick as they once were.

What is probably more important than the kind of footwear we wear is our hiking technique, although footwear can play an important part. Proper technique and footwear will minimize slips and falls. Continue reading How to Avoid Slipping When Hiking Downhill Trails

Senior Moments — I Can See Clearly Now!

On January 20th I had cataract surgery on my left eye. The other eye was done last December. Today my vision is nothing short of miraculous — a similar reaction I have heard from others who have had the surgery done.

It is time to get back outdoors for a lot of backpacking and camping.

Well, almost time. I’ll explain in a bit.

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