Category Archives: The Environment

House Solar Install

I have been an advocate of solar power for almost 20 years, ever since we installed our first solar system on our camper in 2003 and then on our next two campers. Solar isn’t for everyone and it isn’t applicable for every situation.

Back at the end 2016, after we completed extensive energy efficiency upgrades to our house, I asked posed the question is a post here (click for link), “Is home solar lipstick on a pig?” What this means, is solar just a Band-Aid for an energy inefficient home. I was advocating that homeowners should address the inefficiencies in their house before installing a solar system. I also mentioned that after a full year of data, after our energy upgrades, I would re-evaluate solar for us.

Given the accelerating costs of electricity rates, we decided to install a solar system. Continue reading House Solar Install

How the People’s Republic of California Almost Ruined My Christmas

What’s Up With That?

It started out quite innocently. Joyce asked me what I wanted for my birthday. This is an annual exercise for Father’s Day, my birthday, and Christmas. Joyce asks what I want, and I reply, “Nothing.”

You see, I have everything I need. Not a lot of stuff, since what I need is limited. I have my library of books, backpacking and camping gear. I don’t need anything else, and I don’t need any new books or gear. My life is “dialed in.” 

Continue reading How the People’s Republic of California Almost Ruined My Christmas

Update: BLM – Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Land Exchange

Almost three years ago I wrote about  the proposed land swap between the BLM and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI), and why it was a bad deal for the public.

A couple days ago I received an email from the BLM with links to three documents. Having spent considerable time reading all of this, I think it is a good deal for the public and the tribe. Continue reading Update: BLM – Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Land Exchange

Wilderness For Sale

I hope the title of this post is catchy and might generate a bit of traffic to read it. My blog is mostly written for my kids and a handful of friends, as I have stated numerous times. I am under no illusion that I have any influence in the world of backpackers or adventurers and recognize the readership of this website is small. My hope is that I can inspire a handful of people to think about wilderness and our proper place in it, who in turn can encourage others to approach wilderness in an ethical manner. Perhaps we can create a renewed focus on Wilderness Ethics.

Continue reading Wilderness For Sale

Does Home Solar Make Sense?

pig with lipstick

When it makes sense, I love solar power. In my recent post of my all-time favorite camping gear our campers’ solar system was my favorite gear. In my post Solar for Backing I laid out all the considerations but did not say if it was a good or bad idea

If you want to carry this stuff, go ahead, it’s okay. Just isn’t my personal cup of tea.

In other words, I am not interested in carrying a bunch of electronic devices when backpacking, other than a headlamp and sometimes a camera and solar doesn’t make sense to me. I did try to be objective and present good information for those who are interested in solar for their backpacking trips.

Starting next month I will be on a fixed income, so planning to reduce my monthly fixed overhead has been a priority. The greatest opportunity for savings is our monthly utilities. For most people, the first thing that comes to mind is installing a solar system – especially since most of us have been bombarded by telemarketers and door-to-door solicitors over the past 4 or 5 years. When we get this volume of sales pitch bombardment, your first reaction should be “someone is making a ton of money and they are going to try and take advantage of me.” In other words,

home solar might just be a pig with lipstick

Continue reading Does Home Solar Make Sense?

Stove Bans

I have few backpacking acquaintances, fewer than I have fingers on my hands. And I have even fewer backpacking friends, and an even smaller circle of close friends. That’s how it should be. Just because someone likes you on Facebook or is your friend on one of the other social media sites, doesn’t mean they are true friends.

Anyway, my few backpacking acquaintances and friends know I go screw-shit when I see so-called gear or outdoor experts operate a stove in an unsafe manner. One of these fine folks (my acquaintances – not the so called experts) emailed me a “stove” picture. No subject in the email, no comments; nada. Just a picture. Guess he thought it would piss me off.

Continue reading Stove Bans

A Call To Action (protect our wild lands)


cautionIf you are reading this post, then you are probably one of my children, a camper, or a backpacker. You almost certainly value wilderness. These wild places are continually under attack by those who want to turn them into mines, clear cut the timber, turn them into expensive country clubs, or amusement parks. If we value our wilderness, we must continually be vigilant in their protection.

Continue reading A Call To Action (protect our wild lands)

California’s Water Nazis


What’s Up With That?


Remember the Soup Nazi in the TV series, Seinfeld? Well, we have a new soup Nazi today. It is the Water Nazis and their chant is “No water for you today.”

Unless you are an ostrich with your head in the ground, you probably know that California is in the midst of a severe long-term drought.

In Palms Springs, California and other cities you can now be a water-Nazi, or now the politically correct term, Water Watchdog.

Continue reading California’s Water Nazis