EZYDOSE Pill Pouches to Organize Your Backpacking Life

My gear for a trip on the Buckeye Trail in Ohio, including the clothes and shoes I would be wearing. Note that there are few stuff sacks.

Staying organized in the backcountry takes planning. Some people struggle with this and their night campsite is strewn with gear as the try to find things, and one would think a tornado might have hit them. Some people repack everything single item into individual stuff sacks, creating little packing modules that are inefficient at maximizing space.

And then when they need to find small items, such as spare batteries or an Advil, they have to dig through their gear. There is an easier way.

You can even write on the pouches with a Sharpie pen if you need to identify what is in it.

Some items you could store in individual pouches

  • pills & vitamins
  • spare batteries
  • sewing kit
  • spices
  • fire starting material
  • spare book of matches
  • any small item that is easily misplaced

Now . . .

Place all the little pouches into a large ZipLock

It will be easy to see all your small items. In the picture above, not everything is in a pill pouch. Some items in this ZipLock include a small first aid in its own little bag, campfire permit, fire steel, Mini Bic Lighter, two small mini-dropper bottles with soap and insect repellant, repair tape, etc.

I store this in my pack (not in another stuff sack) so it is easy to get to and easy to see the contents.

The pill pouches are inexpensive.

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