I Slept Cold on My Last Backpacking Trip: And This is Why

Photo by Tony Wong

There are no “rules of thumb” or standards to determine what is needed for every individual to stay warm. Each of us is different and what sleep system will work varies by individual. Bottom line is trial and error is the path for determining what gear will work for each person. In addition, I have found that as I get older, I sleep colder. On my last trip I was somewhat cold. Not dangerously cold, but inconveniently cold – meaning I woke up several times each night due to the cold.

Temperatures at night were in the mid 30’s Fahrenheit, and my sleeping quilt was “rated” to 32F. I should have been warm, right? Wrong, the entire sleeping system has to be configured for the conditions. I did a couple things wrong, and it is always useful to analyze things when the outcome is less than desirable.  Continue reading I Slept Cold on My Last Backpacking Trip: And This is Why

A Four-day Walkabout & GGG X for Dessert

the Gear Geeks begin gathering for a chilly morning breakfast

Back in 2009 a group of people who frequent the forums at backpackinglight.com started an annual get together they called the Gathering of the Gear Geeks (GGG). Apparently an ultralight backpacking gear-centric weekend affair, it was of no interest to me as gear is mostly boring. I equate it to a bunch of auto mechanics getting together to share their wrenches and sockets… something that never happens.

Over time, as the so-called ultralight gear became more main stream, it seemed the GGG was becoming more about diverse people getting together for a weekend with one common interest – backpacking. Re-winding to last year, my friend Craig suggested we ought to go up and meet some of these folks in person, which would be an 870 mile round trip for me. Not a trip I would want to do again just to camp out for a couple of nights. But… Continue reading A Four-day Walkabout & GGG X for Dessert

Hackers, Thieves, and Property Rights

A little over a week ago, I wrote about this site being hacked. Since then there have been several more successful intrusions and one of these deleted a significant amount of files. This has kept me busy, working with the companies that provide security and backup services for this site, and adding even more security to protect me against these malicious criminals. The site is back and running with all intact. All of this has entailed a lot of time, energy, and money to keep PopUpBackpacker in existence. Given that this site has a small audience, is not influential, and has a limited scope, one would wonder (as I have) if all this aggravation is worth the effort. I seriously pondered this same question. Continue reading Hackers, Thieves, and Property Rights

Update: BLM – Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Land Exchange

Almost three years ago I wrote about  the proposed land swap between the BLM and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI), and why it was a bad deal for the public.

A couple days ago I received an email from the BLM with links to three documents. Having spent considerable time reading all of this, I think it is a good deal for the public and the tribe. Continue reading Update: BLM – Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Land Exchange

A History of Repairs to Our Milan Travel Trailer

The biggest problem with travel trailers and RV’s is things rattle and move while traveling on the roads and things get worse if you are a person who is happy to drive on dirt roads to get to the best campsites. This vibration causes things to come loose and sometimes causes things to break. It is inevitable – not a question of probability, but when. Continue reading A History of Repairs to Our Milan Travel Trailer

PopUpBackpacker — HACKED!!

Yesterday was not a great day. First, I was contacted by one of my gasoline credit card companies that unauthorized charges had been made. Not a huge deal, since I am not liable for these criminal activities, but it is a little inconvenient that I cannot use my card any longer and will have to wait 7-10 days until a new card arrives.

The second event, unrelated to the first, is my website was hacked by another criminal. I am sharing this and what I had to do, in hopes it may help others to avoid my experience.
Continue reading PopUpBackpacker — HACKED!!