The Cat in the Hat


NICKI see so many different kinds of hats on the trail, reminds me of the song Easter Bonnet. And with so many Yuppie brands and big bucks to be made, most outdoor gear fitters have an extensive inventory of models available. A hat can be critical for survival or comfort given a “Perfect Storm” of conditions to threaten the hiker’s well being in the wilderness. I almost always take a hat, but most of the time it is inside or strapped to the outside of my pack.

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From Hell, to Hell and Back


Last week I posted a picture of the high temperature in Palm Springs, which was 120F. Having moved to the desert in 1977 working and hiking outdoors, so I am used to these kinds of temperatures (if one can truly get used to it). I spent Saturday getting reading for our trip. Usual preparation includes inspections and periodic maintenance and cleaning.

We were not mentally prepared for what would happen.

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Atwood Furnace Directional Vent and Vent Door Repair

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Our 2006 Fleetwood Niagara came with an Atwood 7916-II Hydro-Flame forced air heater. I immediately replaced the factory analog thermostat with a LUX-500 digital unit. For 6 years the furnace worked perfectly, except the vent pushed the heat straight out towards the shower door. I had once seen a picture of a directional vent that could be added to the furnace, but was not able to find one anywhere and eventually forgot about it.

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No Kitchen Pass Needed this Weekend

Cropped 06-23-2013Joyce is in Motown visiting relatives and she left me at home without supervision.

The two nights before departure she was packing and wrapping gifts – organized and not rushed. She didn’t ask what my plans were in her absence, nor did she assign any tasks to me, verbally or implied. I drove her to the airport for an early morning departure, listening for any hints of expectations for domestic “to do’s.” None were detected. Returning home I checked the refrigerator door and the interior for any notes or instructions regarding household duties, which came up negative.

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Backpack Base Weight: Does it Matter?


Until 2008 my method of preparing for backpacking trips was to assemble a checklist, place my gear, water, and fuel into the pack and weigh it. What it weighed, is what it weighed. There was nothing else to do because the gear was what I needed for the specific trip. After playing around with spreadsheets and base weights, I have come back full circle.

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