Great Expectations

picture from Six Moon Designs website
picture from Six Moon Designs website

A lot of buzz lately about Brian Frankle joining Six Moon Designs as the Director of Pack Designs (link to the website).

For those who don’t know, Brian is the founder of Ultralight Adventure Equipment (ULA). As an accomplished long distance hiker, Brian started designing and building is own packs for his own use and this eventually morphed into ULA.

After 9 years, Brian tired of the day-to-day operation of running his own company and sold ULA to Chris and Sally McMaster in 2009.

Continue reading Great Expectations

Kickstarter (or brother can you spare a dime)

What’s Up With That?

kickstarter logoRecently I have read several posts requesting money on Kickstarter. Not knwoing what Kickstarter was, I did a little research. Kickstarter is a “crowdfunding” website. That is, people/companies looking for capital to develop a product or service request donations to their project. I guess you would call it donations, because you cannot “invest” in the project and receive part of the profit. For your gift you usually receive some sort of minor gift or trinket. Sometimes, if the request is for a product, then you are basically pre-ordering that product. Of course, usually you don’t know if the product is any good because it hasn’t been produced yet. Kickstarter is not a store. Sounds like panhandling or begging to me. However it is not all bad. There are some good things going on over there and I will share some later in this post.

Continue reading Kickstarter (or brother can you spare a dime)

Grand Obsession: Harvey Butchart

If you are human and have stood on the rim of the Grand Canyon, you have to have been overwhelmed by its immensity and beauty.

If you have ventured down to the bottom via one of the popular trails, you must have been absorbed its charm.

If you are lucky enough to travel down to the bottom on a little known and rarely used trail, you are probably addicted to the Grand Canyon. It is a heroin drip.

Continue reading Grand Obsession: Harvey Butchart

Hike where you live. Live where you hike.

Jan 15 2013 medium

Bring me men to match my mountains,
Bring me men to match my plains,
Men with empires in their purpose,
And new eras in their brains.
Bring me men to match my prairies,
Men to match my inland seas,
Men whose thoughts shall pave a highway
Up to ampler destinies,
Pioneers to cleanse thought’s marshlands,
And to cleanse old error’s fen;
Bring me men to match my mountains –
Bring me men!

Continue reading Hike where you live. Live where you hike.