Rocks ‘n Boulders

Just a few days after returning home from our eastern Sierra vacation we headed out for another short trip. This time Joshua Tree National Park. I know, we go there a lot. Good news is that it is summer and the park is just about empty.


Reason I picked JT was because I missed the boulders.

First a little quasi-science lesson. Boulders are big rocks one person cannot move by themselves. There are three kinds of rocks; igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Boulders are created by weather, ice, water, wind and other climate stuff. A boulder might look out of place because it is — moved by rivers, flash floods, glaciers, or other neat stuff.

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I took a few boulder pictures while at JT and in the process got a blister on each foot. Should have worn socks 🙂

I also added a Rocks ‘n Boulder Gallery with a collection of boulder pictures I have taken over the past few years in all kinds of places in west and southwest.

Here are a few to whet your appetite.

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