Tag Archives: Mojave Desert

Book Review: The Thousand Mile Summer, by Colin Fletcher

Over 50 years ago, on a hot summer day, I helped one of my brothers move to the Mojave Desert where he was starting college. The heat was like a blast furnance. His car overheated several times, resulting in a blown head gasket. After unloading his belongings and a fitful night of sleep, I left, hitch-hiking back to LA.

I vowed to never enter a desert again.

Six years later, I moved to the desert. A different desert. A hotter desert. Why would I do such a crazy thing?

In the time, between my vow to never visit a desert again and my relocation to the desert, I read three of my now favorite books. They piqued my interest, and I began to visit, hike, and backpack in desert environs. The first book I read was, The Thousand Mile Summer, by Colin Fletcher.

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Camping in the Aftermath of Tropical Storm Hilary

We had camped in this same spot next to a large wash back in April and again in June. Surprisingly, on this trip, there was no “damage” from Hilary.

A few days ago we returned from a two week camping trip in the Mojave Desert of Southern California. We were concerned that one of our favorite camping spots might have been washed away by tropical storm Hilary. Our fears were unwarranted and, as usual, we had a great time.

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I’ve Been On Holiday For Almost Two Months

If you read this blog with any frequency, you have noticed no activity here for several weeks. Nope, I haven’t been neglecting the blog; there have been more important things to attend to.

Towards the end of September, we returned home after a two-week camping trip in Sequoia National Forest. On my mind as we pulled up the house, with the camper attached to our SUV, was the fact the end of September means October is about to begin; and October is the  best month of the year to camp in the deserts we frequent.

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