Tag Archives: Solar Charge Controller

Solar Charge Controllers — PWM vs. MPPT

Fifteen Morningstar TriStar MPPT solar charge controllers hooked up in a parallel off-grid charging system

I can’t count the number of times on the internet (especially forums) I have seen the comment that a MPPT solar controller is far superior to a PWM controller. Often times, if someone is seeking advice about their first RV solar system, someone will pop up and state they need MPPT without having any information about the other components that will be part of the system.

The bottom line is that MPPT is not superior to PWM solar charger. For specific systems one type can be better than the other. 

Let’s find out more about the MPPT vs PWM debate. If you are thinking about installing a RV solar system or expanding your current system which solar controller you choose is very, very important. Continue reading Solar Charge Controllers — PWM vs. MPPT