“Old” (backpacker) Guys Rock!!

I don’t spend a lot of time reading blogs, backpacking or otherwise. But when I have a little bit of extra time there are a few I like to check. Mostly hikers in the UK, especially those who frequently hike in Scotland, where the weather is often terrible and they just deal with it.

I especially enjoy a handful of “old” hikers close to my age (over 60) who hike often and can do the same kind of hikes (mileage and terrain) comparable to people half or even a third of our age. Here is a list of the “old” guys, and I am sure there are a lot more out there. I have never met or corresponded with any of them, but their Internet persona and blog content makes for good reading.

Pictures from their websites (left to right, top to bottom): Nimblewill Nomad, Chris Townsend, Tom Jamrog, Bob Shaver.
Pictures from their websites (left to right, top to bottom): Nimblewill Nomad, Chris Townsend, Tom Jamrog, Bob Shaver.

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John Muir and Freedom from Restraint

John Muir

All my life I have been a voracious reader. Unfortunately there has been little fiction or non-fiction written since 1957 worth reading. So I spend most of my reading time catching up with the classics I have not read, or re-reading the best of the best.

For some reason I can’t explain, my reading seems to be theme-based. That is, I read about specific subjects or read specific authors without interruption. Currently I am re-reading most of John Muir’s works. A couple years ago my theme was the writings of our founding fathers and those great minds that influenced them. Last year it was mostly Jack London and then Victor Hugo.

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Groupthink and Collaboration on the Trail

Solo 1

In the past I posted a couple of articles: Solo Backpacking and Solo Backpacking: Crazy and Dangerous? For some reason, I get the greatest criticism about hiking solo from other backpackers. This might infer that backpackers have greater knowledge about the dangers of solo walking than non-backpackers, or perhaps I come across as elitist. I couldn’t disagree more. In my opinion, hiking alone is safer than hiking in a group.

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