Boat Story

I had never owned a boat or watercraft (surfboards don’t count). I had never really thought about owning a boat. Maybe a canoe or kayak  But a boat usually requires a motor, and a motor means work; or at least maintenance. Many of my friends have owned boats. And as one told me, “The second happiest day of your life is the day you bought your boat; the happiest is the day you sold it.” Seems that there is a lot of angst during the boat owing period.

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Solo Backpacking: Crazy and Dangerous?

What’s Up With That?

I must start by saying I usually hike alone. And by hiking alone, I mean going to places where I do not expect to see other people. That is a prime consideration for most of my trips. Now, I do not want to give the impression that by doing a lot of solo hiking I am especially brave or skilled. When you break it down, backpacking is just walking with your house on your back. Sure you need some skills, but it is not a big deal. Lots of people backpack. Mankind has been hiking since the dawn of time. It is nothing special – other than knowing when and how to avoid trouble.

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